标题:Small-Signal Stability Constrained Unit Commitment Based on Decomposition and SQP-GS
作者:Peijie Li, Siyi Ran, Junjian Qi, Xiaoqing Bai, Hua Wei
期刊:《Electric Power Systems Research》

摘要:本文提出了一个小干扰稳定约束机组组合(SSSC-UC)模型,以保证机组组合的方案能够提供足够的小干扰稳定裕度。为求解该模型,采用Benders分解法(BD)将问题分成SCUC主问题,即混合整数线性规划问题,以及一系列检查交流潮流约束和小干扰稳定性约束的子问题。小干扰稳定性检查子问题是非光滑的非线性规划问题,通过梯度采样序列二次规划(SQP-GS)求解。当子问题检查不通过时,将谱横坐标对于发电机输出的灵敏度形成的割添加到下一次迭代的主问题中。迭代过程一直持续到所有违反交流潮流和小干扰稳定约束的情况被消除,最终获得一个SCUC的解决方案。在新英格兰10机39节点系统和IEEE 54机118节点系统上的实验结果表明,我们提出的SSSC-UC可以保证所有时间段的小干扰稳定,而SCUC不能。此外,对于这两个测试系统,我们提出的并行技术可以将计算速度分别提高到5倍和11倍。
Abstract:This paper proposes a small-signal stability constrained unit commitment (SSSC-UC) model to ensure that the solution of SCUC can provide a sufficient small-signal stability margin. To solve the model, Benders decomposition (BD) is applied to separate the problem into a SCUC master problem, which is a mixed-integer linear programming problem, and a series of subproblems to check the AC power flow constraint and small-signal stability constraint. The small-signal stability check subproblems are non-smooth and non-linear programming problems, which are solved by Sequential Quadratic Programming with Gradient Sampling (SQP-GS). When the subproblem checks do not pass, cuts formed by the sensitivity of the spectral abscissa with respect to generator output are added to the master problem for the next iteration of the SCUC. The iteration process continues until all AC power flow and small-signal constraint violations are eliminated and a SCUC solution is found. Simulations on the New England 10-machine 39-bus system and the IEEE 54-machine 118-bus system show that our proposed SSSC-UC can guarantee small-signal stability for all time periods while SCUC cannot. Furthermore, the proposed parallel technique can speed up the computation up to 5 and 11 times respectively for the two test systems.